Age: 125
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sanam411 said:
shallam xavier!!
ditto. i second that!
altho salman ahmed is no slouch either. anyone hear junoon's song dewaar?! his talent shines in this one. but out with the old and in with the new i guess! so shallum it is!
Age: 125
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lol. same here...eid's are amazing! we have a big pakistani population up here in toronto! my eid day goes pretty much the same:
wake up, eat dood-saveeyan, head on over 2 the mosque with my dad, where we meet up with my uncles/cousins, friends and so on! then after namaaz, we all head back home....pick up the females (mom,sisters) and meet up at someone's house 2 have a BIG BIG khaana! lol. last year it was hosted at our house and we watched PTV PRIME all day since they were showing concerts and stuff! i hope they do the same this year! i wanna see abrar and humaira again...hell i wanna see all the stars again on tv, 4 eid! it was cool!
Age: 125
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i was watching a documentary on 9/11 conspiracy theories, and one of 'em was: 9/11 was staged by the bush administration 2 give 'em an exuse 2 start a war on iraq and afghanistan. i would not put it past them.
it makes sense 2. how is it that they can avert a hundred attempted attacks AFTER 9/11, but they failed 2 know abt the BIGGEST one (9/11 itself)?!?!?!
another peice of evidence...bush was in some classroom when the planes hit. some CIA dude had 2 tell him that 'america was under attack.' yet when bush gave a speech some time later, he claimed he saw the first plane hit. 2 things 2 note here: 1 - unless he had a tv in a classroom, he didn't see jack all. 2 - the first plane was not shown hitting the building on live t.v. it was shown WAY after the second one had hit. yet bush claims he saw the first one while it happened and he was 'shocked'?!?!!?!?
Age: 125
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oh jee, i live in the heart and soul of canada, toronto which is where i was born and raised. my background is pakistani (lahore)!
i attend university, and i'm into music (NFAK, humaira arshad, fuzon), wrestling (triple h) and hockey (TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS)! thats abt it, without goin in2 2 much detail!
Age: 125
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lol! u're mommy has 2 stop u from laughing. LOL. (j/k)
as 4 the 'like' thing....saray american log 'like' bohat ketain hain, especially gorays. lol. lekin koi baat nahi! its aiight! aap to ek fellow desi hain! lol. i'm sure u dont use it when actually talkin'. and even if u do....koi baat nahi! mei to sirf observe kar raha tha! dusree baat yeh hai, ke when i was in pakistan....EVERYONE i talked 2 (friends and family, and even local people!) said that people from the u.s. and canada use the word 'nice' alot! pir mainay ghor kiya....and its tru! i used the word 'nice' a million times! lol.
life....sanam jee...kuch na poochain! same ol, same ol! bas eid ka intezaar hai! how are eid's in boston (thats where u r right?)? u guys have a big pakistani population?!
Age: 125
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paki lion said:
how do u know that for sure??have u any proof indians dont like anti-pakistani moviez???
do YOU have any proof all pakistani's want an anti-india movie???
i'm saying its 2003. these days more indians and pakistani's want peace, compared 2 the 1990's when everyone wanted each others head. ofcourse you still have people who hate the opposite side, but overall, the situation is much better 2day than it was a while ago. that being said, its safe 2 say people don't want anti-ANY COUNTRY movies. an example is 'hero.' it was NOWHERE NEAR as popular as gaddar, and past propoganda movies. there's your proof (of most indians not wanting anti-pak movies). times have changed. i'd like 2 think theres only a select few who are stuck in the past, and the bollywood directors who continue 2 make anti-pakistan movies are in this small group. the rest of us (especially pakistanis) are movin' on up!
Age: 125
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janu!? LOL. can we stick with NF please?! lol. (j/k)
lol. u have a sense of humour sanam jee! i admire that! i 2, find humour in the smallest things. u'll notice in ALL of my posts...there will always be an 'lol' !!! lol. life's much more enjoyable that way! altho i don't get the 'look of death' from my parents or yaars! lol. in fact they're all the same! we all make jokes out of almost everything! lol.
as 4 guggan....oh man!! lol. i guess u had 2 be there when the guy told this story. lol.
anyhow....sanam jee, u're so american. lol. u use the word 'like' so many times!!! we canadians use 'eh' alot! just an observation! no offence eh!! (j/k)
Age: 125
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lol. sanam jee, aap jo marzee mujhe bula-lain, i don't mind. lol. as long as it ain't a swear word, or 2 fruity! LOL.
as 4 the next story....ager funny nahi, to hasna naa, yaar! lol. i won't hold it against u! lol. (j/k) i'm just tryin' 2 strike up a conversation! lol.
to chalo...uglee story: some other guy whose name is GUGGAN (sikh) said that he told some white dude his name over the phone. 5 minutes into the conversation the white guy makes a racial comment in favour of irish people, assuming GUGGAN was also irish. upon correcting the guy, and informing him that in fact he (guggan)was NOT irish, the white dude replies: 'then y did u say u're name was DUNCAN!!!!!' lol, lol, lol. i don't know abt u, but for me....that was PURE HALARIOUS! i could not stop laughing 4 2 days. LOL. shows how ignorant some goray's r! they only hear what they want 2 hear!
Age: 125
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thanks sanam jee! ek bath ki haad hoti hai (anti-pak movies)! they have not learned their lesson from that last flop 'hero' so let 'em do what they want. humay kiya?!
Age: 125
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lol. 'buddy's' cool with me..! lol.
nothin' much is up! i went 2 one of my courses the other day and some guy told a funny story. its a social science course btw (racism). anyhow....this guy was BROWN!! lol. i couldn't stop laughing.
one of the stories he shared was, when he was small, while playing hockey, some white guy said 2 him 'common...why don't u take a paki pill, and maybe you'll play better.'!!!!!!! LOL. i figured i'm allowed 2 laugh since i'm pakistani myself. lol.
I got more stories like this, so holler back if u wanna hear 'em. LOL. just for conversations sake!
Age: 125
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paki lion said:
NFAKFan said:
making movies or not making movies doesn't make a country weak.
we pakiz know that..but indians dont!
can't argue with that. they can't seem 2 understand, that these movies are so 1990's. its a shame an industry as big as theirs resorts 2 anti-pakistan propoganda-type movies even in 2003. from what i heard they (like lollywood) are struggling 4 fresh new ideas. movies like this won't help. its the same junk over and over. thats y i say let them fall flat on their face themselves. we pakistani's are better than that.
Age: 125
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pagaldil said:
Here's what i think it's best time to RIP OFF AMERICAN GOVERNMENT these opporunity don't comes very often. It's time to get enougy money to solve our $35 billion foregin debt problem.
What good that amry is that's a burnd on it's own citizen and helping make it better. American people are willing to pay what ever the price would be and here's another thing $20 billion are being spend for Iraq and Afghan. those are tax payers money. Which muslim country has ever given that much aid to somebody??? The only real aid comming to muslim countries is thought western NGO or government.
So stop bashing Bush's ass. it's time to Charge up the American Credit Card before you lose it again. :-)
buddy, the u.s. CREATED half the mess in both them countries. they BEST give $20 billion 2 rebuild 'em. as 4 pakistan getting cash from the u.s.....its all abt give 'n' take my friend. we've helped them in their war (actually we are/were a HUGE part of it) and we've been repaid a fraction of what we deserve! u're damn right we'll charge up that american credit card. we've EARNED it.
and lastly, pakistan is a rebuilding 3rd world country. we're OBVIOUSLY going 2 have a national debt. the the united states currently has a trade deficit of $41.3 billion! u're talkin' abt a mesely $35 billion 4 pk?! lol.
Age: 125
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oh le. 'trips' bhi nahi teek?!
ok... how abt 'buddy'or 'NF' (Nusrat Fan), or 'jack' or even 'gujjar 302'!?!?! lol. i don't me anything! lol. aap hi kuch suggest karain pir. lol.
Age: 125
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'nfakfan' has 2 go?! lol. (j/k)
chalo teek hai sanam jee! i can see how nfakfan can be difficult 2 type! so how 'bout referring 2 me as *TRIPS* from now on?! its short for 'Triple H' who happends 2 be my favorite pro wrestler! ager yeh nahi accepable, to aap hi kuch suggest karain! lol.
aur 'sanam' aapka real naam hai, ya nickname!? just curious....!
Age: 125
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this stuff happends everywhere. its got little to do with racial issues or religious ones. it has alot 2 do with individuals and their own issues.
u look at parents even in the west, who snap and kill or more likely beat up girls who do the same (elope or have secret boyfriends). hell even guys are subject 2 it! its just magnified for us, cause islam is a strict religion and 4 the retards who do the killing/beating, (in their minds) it gives them an outlet. bottom line tho...this happends everywhere. sad but tru.